At this time, we do not offer discounts or scholarships. Our commitment is to ensure fair pricing through Purchasing Power Parity, and depending on your location, you may be eligible for a reduced price. If you qualify for a reduced price, you will see a banner with a discount code on our website. Please make sure to disable any VPN, as it may prevent the banner from appearing.
Instead of providing discounts and scholarships, we invest significantly in creating valuable free resources available on the internet.
Free Resources:
Start your journey with our blog and YouTube channel, where we explore the frontier of modern work, experiment with new ways of doing more with less, and discover what it means to fulfill our human potential.
Don't miss out on Tiago’s Forte Labs newsletter. Every Tuesday, we send over 100,000 subscribers new essays, videos, event invites, and other resources designed to level up your productivity and life.
For those unable to join the Cohort, we invite you to be part of our lively community of learners on our free Facebook community. Connect with others, learn from shared experiences, and explore the world of the Second Brain together.
With these resources, we aim to support your learning journey even if discounts or scholarships are not available.